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Awesome Python

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Found means fixed - Introducing code scanning autofix, powered by GitHub Copilot and CodeQL

Found means fixed - Introducing code scanning autofix, powered by GitHub Copilot and CodeQL

Now in public beta for GitHub Advanced Security customers, code scanning autofix helps developers remediate more than two-thirds of supported alerts with little or no editing.

Awesome Java

Awesome Java

A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language

Awesome iOS

Awesome iOS

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Awesome Selfhosted

Awesome Selfhosted

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Fixing security vulnerabilities with AI

Fixing security vulnerabilities with AI

A peek under the hood of GitHub Advanced Security code scanning autofix.

Add a Netlify-powered contact form to your Next.js site

Add a Netlify-powered contact form to your Next.js site

Accepting submissions to forms with Netlify and Next.js is straightforward, with just a few easy steps!

Awesome Nuxt

Awesome Nuxt

A curated list of awesome things related to Nuxt.js

Awesome Vue.js

Awesome Vue.js

A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js

Awesome Flutter

Awesome Flutter

An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.

How to create your own VS Code extension pack

How to create your own VS Code extension pack

Build and launch an extension pack for VS Code
