Top 9 Local Databases for Flutter in 2023: A Comprehensive Comparison


As a mobile app consultant, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right local database for your Flutter app. With so many options available, it can be challenging to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to the top 9 local databases for Flutter in 2023.

Here are the top 9 local databases for Flutter in 2023:

  1. ObjectBox
  2. Isar
  3. Hive
  4. Sembast
  5. CBL
  6. Sqflite
  7. Floor
  8. Drift
  9. Realm

1. ObjectBox

ObjectBox is a NoSQL database that is specifically designed for mobile and IoT devices. It is lightweight and fast, making it ideal for Flutter apps. ObjectBox uses a unique object-oriented approach that eliminates the need for mapping objects to tables, making it faster than traditional SQL databases. ObjectBox also supports ACID transactions and has an intuitive query language.


* Provides high-performance NoSQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers an intuitive query language


* Might not be as beginner-friendly as other options
* Might not support complex relationships between entities

2. Isar

Isar is a lightweight NoSQL database for Flutter that is easy to use and comes with a simple API. It is optimized for mobile devices and is designed to be fast and reliable. Isar supports ACID transactions, has a reactive API, and can handle large data sets.


* Provides a fast and efficient NoSQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers a reactive API that can update your UI in real-time
* Handles large data sets well


* Limited documentation and community support compared to other options
* Might not be as flexible as other options

3. Hive

Hive is a fast, lightweight NoSQL database that is designed for Flutter. It is easy to use and comes with a simple API. Hive supports ACID transactions, has a reactive API, and can handle large data sets. Hive is also extensible and supports custom type adapters.


* Provides a fast and efficient NoSQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers a reactive API that can update your UI in real-time
* Handles large data sets well
* Allows you to create custom type adapters for your data


* Might not be as feature-rich as some of the other options
* Might not support complex queries as well as some of the NoSQL options

4. Sembast

Sembast is a lightweight NoSQL database that is designed for Flutter. It is easy to use and comes with a simple API. Sembast supports ACID transactions, has a reactive API, and can handle large data sets. Sembast also supports indexes and compound queries.


* Provides a fast and efficient NoSQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers a reactive API that can update your UI in real-time
* Handles large data sets well
* Supports indexes and compound queries


* Might not be as beginner-friendly as some of the other options
* Might not have as many features as some of the other options

5. CBL

CBL is a NoSQL database that is designed for Flutter. It is lightweight and comes with a simple API. CBL supports ACID transactions, has a reactive API, and can handle large data sets. CBL also supports full-text search and has a built-in conflict resolution.


* Provides a fast and efficient NoSQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers a reactive API that can update your UI in real-time
* Handles large data sets well
* Supports full-text search and conflict resolution


* Might not be as beginner-friendly as some of the other options
* Might not have as many features as some of the other options

6. Sqflite

Sqflite is a lightweight SQL database that is designed for mobile devices. It is easy to use and comes with a simple API. Sqflite supports ACID transactions and has a reactive API. It is ideal for small to medium-sized databases.


* Provides a reliable SQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers a reactive API that can update your UI in real-time


* Might not support complex queries as well as other options
* Might not be as fast as some of the NoSQL options

7. Floor

Floor is a SQL database that is designed for Flutter. It is lightweight and comes with a simple API. Floor supports ACID transactions, has a reactive API, and can handle large data sets. Floor also supports migrations and has a built-in schema builder.


* Provides a reliable SQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers a reactive API that can update your UI in real-time
* Handles large data sets well
* Allows you to create schema migrations and build your schema programmatically


* Might not be as beginner-friendly as some of the other options
* Might not support complex queries as well as some of the NoSQL options

8. Drift

Drift is a SQL database that is designed for Flutter. It is lightweight and comes with a simple API. Drift supports ACID transactions, has a reactive API, and can handle large data sets. Drift also supports migrations and has a built-in schema builder.


* Provides a reliable SQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers a reactive API that can update your UI in real-time
* Handles large data sets well
* Allows you to create schema migrations and build your schema programmatically


* Might not be as beginner-friendly as some of the other options
* Might not support complex queries as well as some of the NoSQL options

9. Realm

Realm is a NoSQL database that is designed for mobile devices. It is lightweight and comes with a simple API. Realm supports ACID transactions, has a reactive API, and can handle large data sets. Realm also supports automatic data synchronization, making it ideal for apps that require real-time data updates.


* Provides a fast and efficient NoSQL database
* Supports ACID transactions
* Offers a reactive API that can update your UI in real-time
* Handles large data sets well
* Supports automatic data synchronization


* Might not be as flexible as some of the other

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a closer look at each of the top 9 local databases for Flutter in 2023:

ObjectBoxNoSQLModerateACID transactions, intuitive query languageLimited community support, fewer features
IsarNoSQLEasyACID transactions, reactive API, handles large data setsLimited community support, less flexibility
SqfliteSQLEasyACID transactions, reactive APILimited scalability, less flexibility
HiveNoSQLEasyACID transactions, reactive API, handles large data sets, custom type adaptersLimited scalability, less flexibility
DriftSQLModerateACID transactions, reactive API, handles large data sets, migrations, schema builderLimited community support, fewer features
FloorSQLModerateACID transactions, reactive API, handles large data sets, migrations, schema builderLimited community support, less flexibility
SembastNoSQLEasyACID transactions, reactive API, handles large data sets, indexes, compound queriesLimited community support, fewer features
CBLNoSQLModerateACID transactions, reactive API, handles large data sets, full-text search, conflict resolutionLimited community support, less flexibility
RealmNoSQLModerateACID transactions, reactive API, handles large data sets, automatic data synchronizationLimited community support, higher cost

In conclusion, choosing the right local database for your Flutter app depends on your app’s specific requirements and your development skills. By considering the pros and cons of each database and the unique features they offer, you can make an informed decision and choose the best database for your app.


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